Community Partners & Coordinators

Cowichan Tribes

Rowena Edwards

NIŁ TU,O Child and Family Services Society

Katharina Stocker
Erica Fritch

Qwelmínte Secwepemc

Sunny Lebourdais
Charlotte Rose

Shuswap Nation Tribal Council

Maryann Yarama

Sierra Club BC

Hanna Askew
Ascher Goodman

Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in

Rhea Lewthwaite
Sue Parsons
Anna Claxton
Kylie Van Every
Eve Dewald


Shawnee Pelletier
Marilyn Baptiste

Collaborators & Affiliates

Select any highlighted name to learn more about their work.

Merle Alexander
Michael Asch
Hannah Askew
Renee Beausoleil
John Borrows
Lindsay Borrows
Gillian Calder
Jessica Clogg
Patricia Cochrane
Emma Cunliffe
Deborah Curran
Alex Etchell
Hadley Friedland
Christina Gray
La’goot / Spencer Greening
Alan Hanna
Maegan Hough
Claire Hutton
Shalene Jobin
Kheghaala ƛ̓iƛ̓ətko (Nadia Joe)
Eugene Kung
Isabelle Lefroy
Bonnie Leonard
Tracey Lindberg
Georgia Lloyd-Smith
Maxine Matilpi
Naomi Metallic
Sarah Morales

Current donors

We would like to acknowledge and extend our gratitude to our individual donors, Vancity, the McConnell Foundation, and the Swift Foundation for their contributions to the full scope of our work and operations. Their continued support is critical to helping us build positive community relationships and develop materials to teach about Indigenous laws in the University of Victoria Faculty of Law—and beyond.

We want to thank the University of Victoria, especially the Faculty of Law and the Diana Priestly Library, for hosting the ILRU’s offices and supporting our work in the law school and university community.





Law Foundation of British Columbia

Law Foundation of British Columbia


Swift Foundation

Swift Foundation


Individual donations

Individual donations


Thank you to our individual partners.

Project sponsors

Law Foundation of British Columbia
MakeWay Foundation
Qwelmínte Secwépemc
Real Estate Foundation British Columbia
Swift Foundation

Shuswap Nation Tribal Council—Including Secwepemc Elders Council
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada
Tr’ondëk Hwëchin Government

Thank you.

If you’re interested in partnering with us, we would love to hear about it.


University of Victoria, Fraser Blg

Call Us


Raven images are the property of the artist Val Napoleon. If you would like to use one of the images, please contact Val Napoleon at or Brooke Edmonds at